Thursday 1 December 2011

Basic Layout

this is a design for the layout of the track showing basic idea for what it might look like and where i might add key features of the level such as the water fall jump and another idea of a mine elevator leading to a faster route. 

this images shows the possible alternative route up the mountain that I could possibly add.

I still need to decide where I am going to place the water sources around the map and design key features of the map. 

Mine idea

To make the level a bit more exciting have had the idea of adding a mine that runs underneath the mountain the player is racing up as an alternative Route.

this is the type of look for the mine i want to achieve, with this idea many different routes may be possible 

this is a rough charcoal drawing of what parts of the mine might look like, i like the mood this picture give quite dark, low light area.

going back to my idea of adding a waterfall to the level, could use it as an entrance to the mine possibly with the use of a jump.   

Thursday 24 November 2011

Looking at Snowy Forests.

Buildings are going to be important with this idea as without them the level is going to look very plain and boring. 

Racing up a mountain could be a good idea would make the back ground pleasing to look at. 

I,m Liking the Snow- covered forest idea but going to need to do research more research into other aspects to the level or it is going to become very tedious to look at and play.  

Forest ideas

I,v started thinking about doing some sort of forest level it could be an good addition to the game.

I really like the idea of having a water fall in the level possibly leading into some caves to add another aspect to it. 

This is so Steam-punk! good idea for a crowd paddock.

Adding Snow to the level could be a really nice touch, adds possibles changing track surfaces.    

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Looking at old industrial buildings

looking at these old industrial building i can,t help but think about Port Talbot, and being as it is so close it could be quite useful.

Looking at steampunk building

after reading up a bit on steampunk i wanted to see what other people thought steam punk buildings would look like, there are alot of different interpretation of it but so to me they all seem quite industrial and old fashioned.